JAPANESE ANIMATION CLUBへようこそ☆ Japanese Animation Club : Fan Fiction : Complication


Minggu, 15 September 2013

Fan Fiction : Complication

Oyasumi minna-san =w= 

Saya baru saja selesai baca finfiction Random : Complication sampai chapter 2. Karena baru saja baca sampai chapter 2, rasanya ingin baca terus , tetapi karena batasnya waktu, terpaksa baca lagi di waktu lain . ;-; 
:D membaca fanfiction ini membuat saya merasa seperti di dalam ceritanya dan menyaksikan kejadiannya de depan mata sendiri xD aaa.. Sedihnya.. :b

I just finished reading Random : Complication fanfiction until chapter 2 . Because i just read until chapter 2, it feels like i need to read more, but because of my lack of time,  i'll have to read it in other time ;-; 
:D reading this fanfiction also makes me feel as if i'm inside this story, watching the whole thing happening in front of my eyes xD aaa . So sad .. :b 

I'm not sorry for the long post. 
And here's a potato .

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