JAPANESE ANIMATION CLUBへようこそ☆ Japanese Animation Club : Fan Art!!


Sabtu, 14 September 2013

Fan Art!!

More FanArt. <3

. Gambar ini adalah gambar dari fanfiction " Random : Complication " , dari Naomi Kurisu . =w= saya belum baca fan fictionnya, tapi saya ingin membacanya, harap bisa :b Aye akan update lagi setelah baca fan - fiction ( opini saya ) .

This drawings are from a FanFiction "Random : Conplication " , from Naomi Kurisu .
I have not read the fan-fiction, but i'm looking forward to read it . Well, i hope i can :b i will update about this fan-fiction ( my opinion ) after i read it .

  Credits to Naomi Kurisu 

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